Friday, December 27, 2019

How Cognitive Load Affects The Brain Essay - 1890 Words

Anticipation or Procrastination Studying seems to be something every college students puts off until the last minute. Or something they just completely ignore, relying on their memorization skills to hopefully have improved since the material was covered last. Most college students use either cramming or spacing as their study methods before an exam. Cognitive load not only impacts how much an individual can remember at the moment, but it also impacts how much an individual can remember over time. While some students believe cramming before a big exam is the best for them, studies on how cognitive load impacts the brain say otherwise. In order to improve memorization as well as test scores, it is best for students to understand their cognitive loads, and how it affects their everyday lives. In Nicholas Carr’s article â€Å"Cognitive Load,† he introduces cognitive overload as a reoccurring element in everyday life. He describes working memory as the mind’s temp orary information store. Furthermore, he believes that if instead of trying to process and learn everything at once, we instead break it into pieces. Covering only a little at a time and gradually putting the pieces together kind of like a puzzle. Cramming is often a studying habit that most college students, as well as high school students, turn to the night before an exam. In Shelby McIntyre and J. Michael Munson’s journal entry â€Å"Exploring Cramming Student Behaviors, Beliefs, and Learning Retention in the PrincipleShow MoreRelatedHow Cognitive Load Affects The Brain Essay1889 Words   |  8 Pagesexam. Cognitive load not only impacts how much an individual can remember at the moment, but it also impacts how much an individual can remember over time. While some students believe cramming before a big exam is the best for them, studies on how cognitive load impacts the brain say otherwise. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why Women Should Not Fight For Their Country - 1817 Words

Although many people argue against integrating women into military combat there are many reasons why women should be allowed to fight for their country. 1920 was a big year for women, it being the year women were able to vote, thanks to the 19th amendment. Being the year women were allowed the right to vote, thanks to the 19th amendment, 1920 was a big year for women. After this monumental achievement numerous other barriers were being broken down and as time went on women were slowly gaining power and equality. However, even though the rights of women have increased over time there still are a few hurdles that have to be overcome; one of which is being able to fight in military combat. Advantages of Women in War Women and war are two things that have always been considered to have little in common. Although this may be the case, women can be very beneficial on the front lines of combat. For example, having women participate in combat allows for a greater sense of diversity in the military bringing in more intelligence, creativity, insight and empathy - qualities that male dominant units often lack. (Wilcox, 1992) Also, women bring a unique level of â€Å"social sensitivity,† the ability to read the emotions of other people. Wagner (2008) states that on today s battlefields social sensitivity is a crucial skill for military professionals. Another example for having women participate in combat is simply having more soldiers fighting. From 1940 until 1973 men were drafted to fillShow MoreRelatedWomen During Combat Units With Their Male Counterparts1025 Words   |  5 Pagesme Death Women in combat, a hindrance or the advance we need in our military combat units. Should women be allowed to be in combat units with their male counterparts? This is a topic of interest because discrimination is something that is vanishing as this country is learning to adjust to change. The fact that discrimination is making its way out of society is all the reason why women should be looked at as equal to their male counter parts. In the Article: Arguing For and Against Women in CombatRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1270 Words   |  6 PagesIn having two uncles who served in the Marines and a nephew who is now in the Marines, they talk about how women will act under pressure in combat. They still don’t think that women are capable. Assuming that their reasons are the same as everyone else in the military; their reason is that women physical strength is too weak to carry their male counterpart out of danger and their mental capacity to handle how gruesome war really is, as well as the woman hygiene and the hypothesis â€Å"what if the femaleRead MoreNo Woman Fighting on the Front Line Essay600 Words   |  3 PagesMen and women we are the same. We may have different body parts different emotions but women shouldn’t be treated any different. We do live in a free country; shouldn’t we have the freedom to choose what job we want? Women have rights whether it’s the right to bear arm s or fight front row in combat. Thousands of women are fighting for their country whether it is in the Air force, Army, or military. The one thing women can’t do is fight in the front row of combat. Why? Because men don’t think weRead MoreWomen on the Frontline - Persuasive Essay850 Words   |  4 Pagesare all around better than women. For decades a women’s job was in the kitchen, cooking meals or taking care of the children although for most of us these views are now outdated. The army however seems to think they still apply. Looking back though history we read of Joan of Arc, the French freedom fighter and of the Sufferage movements and we see women throughout the ages were getting involved with fighting and politics of war. The argument over whether to allow women on the frontlines of warfareRead MoreWar Based Killing Should Be Regarded As Murder1386 Words   |  6 PagesJohn runs across the open battlefield while he tries to dodge the shots being fir ed at him and his men. Afraid and out of breath, he tries to pull himself together and continue fighting for his country. He looks to the left and sees his partner get shot and drop to the ground. While reloading his gun, he notices a group of men running towards him with firearms. He quickly goes into defensive mode and aims towards them. As the men continue yelling and running towards him at full speed, John is tryingRead MoreThe Portrayal Of Women During World War II1468 Words   |  6 Pageslike other women in the military, are not permitted to be assigned to combat positions. While on a patrol, she encountered surprise gunfire, but the Department of Defense actually prohibits women from assignments on the front lines for combat. 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How can a person let themselves be attacked and do nothing to help themselves survive? Its almost unreasonable to believe that. There are plenty of situations that fit this example. One of them is rape. If a woman is being attacked and sexually forced to do something she did not consent on doing, she has the right to fight back and prevent it from happening. Rape does not only involve sexual assault; there is much physical assault involved, also. Many women areRead MoreAmeric A Second Class Citizenship1540 Words   |  7 Pagesright after many discussions were made with politicians about how they should reconsider the definition of race, equality and creates the immigration policy. They also wanted to create equality laws for races that emigrated from other countries into the U.S. It is also an act of collecting data of the demographic population of each race from where they came from and where they choose to live in the U.S. Significance: The reason why it is significant for us to know this act is because it represents oneRead MoreWomen‚Äà ´s Suffrage Movement of Europe1187 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout history, women have struggled for equality in all parts of the world. European women fought for suffrage for an extremely long period of time before they were granted full voting rights. Each country approved women’s suffrage at different times, but it occurred in most European countries in the early 20th century. The first country to develop universal suffrage was Finland in the year 1906(â€Å"Women’s Suffrage in Europe†). One of the last countries to become open about women’s voting rights

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Violence Dont Play That Game Essay Example For Students

Violence: Dont Play That Game? Essay Violence: Dont Play That Game?Violence: Dont Play that Game?A while back a senator said that violence in computer games is completely outrageous and is amazingly influential on ouryouth. Well just randomly choose a name by which to call him and randomly choose a state that he represents. Well call himJoseph Lieberman of Connecticut. Oops, that seems to be his real name and state.. Anyway, Joe believes that violence issimply appalling and that games should not have violence. Well, here are my reasons why violence is not bad in computergames: people are not persuaded to commit amazingly bloody crimes by them, there are ratings on games, and also, movies canhave all the violence they please and the rating can justify it all. Let us examine these. Many people would say I am wrong about this one. I say violence does not affect people that much when they are playinga game. I hope that our species has evolved enough to tell the difference between a 15 screen full of pixels and the real world. I hope they realize that the violence on these screens is quite fake, and that in the real world this violence will not be put upwith. What is that I hear? It desensitizes people to violence. Let us take a look at this. Youve been playing violent computergames since you were five. Violence no longer affects you. Are you going to take a gun to someones head just becauseviolence is no big deal to you? You probably will not. I can hear Joe now. Mechwarrior 2 is violent and should not have all this violence. Now, if you are familiar withMechwarrior 2 then you know it is a game that you play as a robot destroying other robots. Little Billy sees this and decideshell get dads robot out and do some damage. There is a reason for you right there why game violence is not that persuasive. A lot of it is not completely real. Furthermore, violence has been in movies for a lot longer and children have not been tooinfluenced by it. Eighty-seven percent of violent crimes are committed by adults. Do you think all this violence is really gettingthe kids to become more violent?Now, people probably are not convinced yet. You are saying little Billy, 5 years old, in this state of complete malleabilitywill play monkey see monkey do (I put this in quotation marks because of how demeaning it is calling people monkeys, but Ilack a better saying so I used it) and take dads shotgun to a buddy and blow him away a la Quake. This is why games haveratings. You know, those little rectangles that say T for Teen rating because of violence, gore, vulgarity or what-not? Yes,contrary to what you might have heard, that is a rating. It means that if parents are responsible they will not let Billy get Quake. If you happen to have games that are not appropriate for your kids you are not out of luck. Daggerfall has parental controls andpassword protection to keep your kids from seeing the violence. Many companies do this. Its another way moldable youngchildren are protected from violent games. I have one last point to make. Sen. Lieberman finishes his press conference that bashes computer game violence. He thentakes a walk to the local theater and purchases tickets to take his 10-year-old to see Saving Private Ryan . Do find anythingwrong with this picture? He accepts violence in one form but completely denies it in another form. Movies have ratings toprotect children from violent content. They can get away with anything and it has not really affected kids in the past. Then a newform of expression, computer games, pops up into the picture. Now people are saying the violence is overbearing when reallythey are ignoring the fact that the everyday news has more violence than your average computer game! Take into considerationmovies and then the violence in computer games is greatly dwarfed. .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b , .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b .postImageUrl , .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b , .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b:hover , .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b:visited , .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b:active { border:0!important; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b:active , .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uca4e076251dd9d2a83b8d124340cc52b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Explain Why Cultural Diversity Is Important In A C EssayWell, Joe, did I miss anything? Computer game violence does not seem to affect people; games do have ratings, and thereis already so much violence on TV and in society that the violence in computer games is not adding too much to the equation. Ithink that if you are a kid and a violent game is OK with your parents then play that game. Psychology

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Rising College Costs

The cost of college has been considerably rising over the last few decades. This development has made it harder for students to complete their college education smoothly. How these rising costs affect Americans is a constantly debated subject. The media, politicians, and other stakeholders have made this subject a major debate topic.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rising College Costs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, when President Obama was campaigning, he made this issue a major campaign item. Statistics indicate that the rate through which college costs are rising is three times more than that of inflation. This means that many students have to struggle to finish their college education and even when they do, they have to deal with several unpaid loans. This rise in college fees affects students in many ways. This essay seeks to investigate some of these effects. The rise in college costs is hind ering most students from pursuing higher level degrees. Instead, many students are opting for the more cost effective two year colleges. Statistics indicate that there has been increased enrollment in two year colleges over the last few years. This is because entry to middle and higher level colleges is proving to be an uphill task for most students. Others are only seeking to join the higher level colleges after their two year colleges have provided them with a job. Another result of rising college costs is that when most students leave college it is harder for them to buy homes. This is because by the time most students leave college; they have already accumulated huge amounts of money in debt. This in turn makes it harder for them to start saving money for a house when they get employed. A survey conducted sometimes back indicated that only fifty seven percent of people between the ages of twenty five and forty four own houses (Choy 23). Two decades ago this number used to be hig her. This shows a probable connection between rising college costs and a decrease in house ownership.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Students are getting into careers without necessarily having to train for them. Previously when someone wanted to start a business, he/she first joined business school in order to get the necessary training. Nowadays when young people want to get into a career, they are either just diving in or seeking alternative training. For instance, there are people who seek attachment to mechanic shops and they end up with the same skills a trained motor engineer has. This is mostly because of the prohibitive fees that come with college training. Socially, young people are delaying to start families as a result of the high college costs. The debts that come with a college education take time to offset. This means that other social engagements that require money li ke marriages and weddings are being delayed until one is financially stable. Around sixty five percent of college students leave college with debts (College Board 4). Out of these, twenty five percent have debts exceeding twenty five thousand dollars. When these facts are put together, it means that some college graduates may be forced to forego weddings or even starting families. High college costs do not have only negative effects. One positive thing about them is that they are adding value to college education. Major colleges in the country are receiving a record number of applications every year. This is because college education is changing some students’ lives. The high costs of college education ensure that the quality and integrity of college education is maintained. If college education was cheap, it would be easy to obtain. This would then translate into its depreciation. In addition, because of the high value of this education, it is easier for college graduates to negotiate for better remuneration. Many college graduates are pressured by circumstances to obtain jobs fast. This is because most of the times they have debts to start paying. When they lack the luxury of waiting for a good job, it means that they take up whatever job they can get.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rising College Costs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This situation translates into many college graduates working in careers that are outside of their training. Sometimes due to frustration, college graduates end up taking careers that do not require a college degree. This decision is usually a painful one for most college students. The rate of college completion is falling. Many students are not able to complete college due to these high costs. A study conducted to investigate this issue indicated that only about a quarter of those students attending college on a part time basis end up graduating. This group is mostly consisted of those people who are working and studying at the same time. Moreover, higher college costs are making it harder for students from low income families to complete college (Ruppert 46). In fact, most people are of the opinion that college education is an affair of the middle and upper classes. In conclusion, high college prices affect students and the youth in various ways. Although rising college fees seem to be a natural progression, stakeholders should act to balance its effects. This is because higher college prices seem to have more negative effects than positive ones. Works Cited Choy, S. P. Access persistence: Findings from 10 years of longitudinal research on  students, Washington, DC: American Council on Education, 2002. Print. College Board. Trends in Student Aid, Washington, DC: Author, 1998. Print. Ruppert, Samuel. Closing the College Participation Gap: A National Summary, Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States, 2003. Print.Adve rtising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Rising College Costs was written and submitted by user Jaelynn W. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Falsifiable Paper free essay sample

Falsifiability Paula Weldon University of Phoenix Falsifiability Concept Karl Popper defined falsifiability as the innate sample of a scientific hypothesis, yet in the simplest form falsifiability is a belief; a belief that in order for a hypothesis to have credibility, it must be disconfirmed before deemed as scientific evidence ( Stanovich, 2010). Take for instance scientists who question others about God; Does he exist? Is he real? This is a theory that cant be discredited so it also cannot be labeled as science. While the idea of no theory being absolute is omething to ponder, if the theory is not falsified it must then be truth. The theory of gravity in past time was thought to be solid due to reasoning that objects do not float away haphazardly from the earths foundation. Even though research and procedures were fitting to this theory, testing was performed at any given time. Because of later research proving that Newtons laws could be broken down the theory of gravity is now unaccepted as a truth. We will write a custom essay sample on Falsifiable Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Popper addressed falsifiability as black and white; this meaning that if a theory is proven as falsifiable it is deemed scientific and if it cannot be proven falsifiable it cannot be scientific. According to Popper, there exist many areas of applied science; social science being one and is not scientific because the possibility for falsification does not exist( Pozzo, 2009). For many sciences falsifiability is useful for producing theories available to sample. When a theory which is falsifiable is tested with meaningful results, this proves the theory as a scientific truth. Of course there are both advantages and disadvantages to Poppers idea; the advantage is when additional knowledge and resources are available truths may be falsified. A huge disadvantage is that sciences of today are udgmental and factually grounded and at the least-strict. Falsifiability to the empirical nature of science Falsifiable is a whole new meaning next to verifiable; an assertion for instance is empirically verifiable if feasible awareness comments reasonably suggest truth of the assertion. If by chance factual observation comments do suggest the assertion, it becomes verified. According to Popper, something (as a discipline) that is not a science entails pseudoscience; pseudoscience would include psychology and different views of Sigmund Freud, metaphysics, and Marxism. A majority of issues dealing with science re grounded in metaphysics, yet to be labeled scientific claims need be empirical risks. Falsifiability is yet the enduring rank for Popper. Testing does not exist to prove a hypothesis or credible because it will always be speculative. Knowledge the possibility of one learning by experience instead of factual knowledge. In earlier times empiricism was likened to inductivism. (Scientific research proceeds from observations to theories)(Pozzo, 2009). Popper immediately Jumped on this by defending his notion that individuals must reach ideas by gathering facts and ascertaining ongoing patterns in them. According to others, nature has a way to speak for herself. Popper argued that first individuals must offer a proposition to get the problem solved. Next individuals must test the proposition-attempting to falsify it. The proposition tells whether observations are even pertinent; Just opposite to what inductivists think, there is no relevance when it comes to discovering something-Just the logistics of performing the test. Claims cannot be verified as already stated in this paper, but can be falsified. Popper came to his own agreement that to find truth one must eliminate misconception. Reaching error such as in efective hypotheses cannot be considered wrong (Pozzo, 2009). As a matter of fact, errors are necessary for science to continue. Individuals learn from their mistakes! Falsifiability and the discipline of Psychology In the world of psychology, theories have to be tested to determine if they are true. The way scientists make sure they are dealing with testable theories is by ensuring their theories are falsifiable; what this means is they have suggestions for genuine happenings in a natural surrounding (Stanovich, 2010). When scientists formulate hypothesis, they have to be stated in a ay that permits a statement to be false. Strategies then used to evaluate the theory as a result has to take into account the possibility that data retrieved will prove the theory as false. This is known as the Falsifiability criterion. Predictions defined by the Falsifiability criterion have to be distinct when describing what can happen, and has to describe what can not happen. When the prognosis of what can not happen, does indeed happen there poses a problem with the theory. The theory will next be changed or a new theory will develop. The result of this is that the new theory will be ore positive or closer to the truth (Stanovich, 2007). Successful theories are ones which do not account for every prospect. If they did, they would be unable to change and there would be no prospect of advancement whatsoever. Why is falsifiability important to psychology? Falsifiability can make a theory prosperous but alongside other factors; for example when theory is in-depth with clues or forecasts that go against social norms and compel individuals to think on specific ideas of ways they normally would not think on. This thinking will permit those in research to ponder on newer ways to treat. When a hypothesis is deemed falsified, a new or modernized theory is developed, but when the hypothesis is intensely specific it conveys the truth much closer to the researcher. Non-Falsifiable Psychological Theory Benjamin Rush Benjamin Rush was one of the endorsers on the Declaration of Independence as well as a prominent doctor in Philadelphia. In 1793 yellow fever broke lose and Rush was among those treating patients. Rush supported the theory which specified illnesses in association with fever needed treatment via blood transfusion. According to Stanovich (2001), Rush dispensed the treatment to a majority of his patients; he dministered the treatment to himself also when he contacted the illness. Rushs more life threatening than having the illness itself. Rushs confidence in the effectiveness of his treatment method however remained solid opposed to the several patients of his that passed away from the illness. In Rushs case, one would have to assume that his attitude along with confidence in his medical treatment played a major part of the scenario. If the patient were to survive the illness the blood transfusions worked; when the opposite occurred the patient was far too sick to try any source of treatment. Because Rush failed to determine the outcome of his treatment method and evaluate evidence provided, he simply made it near impossible to falsify his theory. Theory Newtons Theory of Gravity Falsifiable Psychological Isaac Newton was affixed on the fact that gravitational force caused an apple to fall from a tree; in his mindset, this same force keeps the earths motion from carrying it away from the sun. His gravitational force theory was based on the moon orbiting the earth the same way that the planets orbit the sun. In his thinking Newton decided the earths force on the apple which fell, the earths force on the oon, and the suns force on the planets basically are the same forces.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Apocolypse Now Reaction Paper essays

Apocolypse Now Reaction Paper essays The Heart of Darkness was written in 1903 by Joseph Conrad and the words became flesh in Francis Ford Coppolas Apocalypse Now released in 1979. His artisan vision was able to raise the poetry of Conrads story and speak them in a language that we dont want to understand, but inherently do. The canonical novel is brought to life in a radical and political translation that makes Conrads Marlow even more than a hero; he is now Coppolas brand of Jesus Christ sent on a mission by the United States army to kill the anti-American antichrist Colonel Kurtz. How does an audience relate to a man who is already dead to the world? We dont know much about the journey that has taken him to where he resides at the start of the story, but we understand that he is a man who has already seen things that have emotionally dismembered him. Martin Sheens Captain Willard has already lost the life he once lived before we catch up with him in his Saigon hotel room: since being stationed in Vietnam during the war, his wife has left him, his mission has ended and he no longer fits into society because of his experiences in the war. We, the audience, empathize with Willard because we have either lived through a war or have fought in a war. We have compassion for Willard because we have created him and hes died emotionally for our sins. The Conrad novel prepares and foreshadows his hero, Marlowe, in his dealings at the Company Office. Greeted by the women knitting black wool, who sit calmly outside of the office like sentries, he finds out that the men who have passed this way do not return. Willard is also given a taste of what is to come in his meeting at Army Headquarters. He sits down to a feast of the grotesque, a last supper before beginning his mission. While the guests take stabs at the bloody beef, a tape is played with a mans voice describing the way a slug slim...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case studies College Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Studies College - Case Study Example (citation omitted but mentioned in this case) Answer to Question 2: The duty to use reasonable care in assigning the student to internship was not changed by the fact that the student arranged her own internship or practicum because this did not change the special relationship of student-institution imposed by the mandatory internship program of the school. In the other hand, even if it is the student who arranged her own practicum, she still needs the approval of the school on the selected site. Part of the duty of the school before approval is to determine the condition of the site whether it a conducive place and to warn the student of any foreseeable risks. Answer to Question 3: Aside from waivers to be signed by the parent/s of the student, another way that the institution could protect itself from liability is to have the employer, student, or school sign indemnity agreements or releases of liability which is appropriate in the case of mandatory internship program. ... ) PAPER 2 Bradshaw v. Rawlings 612 F. 2d 135 (3d Cir. 1979) Answer to Question 1: It is a settled rule beginning from this case that college students, mostly 18 and above, are already adults, and the supervisory duty of an institution imposed by the doctrine in loco parentis no longer applies as the doctrine only applies to minors. Therefore, regulating the conduct of students and school-sponsored student activities outside the institution is no longer the responsibility of the school. Once the school, in its own initiative, took the responsibility in regulating those activities, it created a "special relationship" imposing to itself a responsibility to protect the students from the foreseeable risks of the activity. As a result, the failure to provide a reasonable care for the students in the conduct of school-sponsored activity will make the school liable for injuries that may be sustained by the students, if any, even if it is an off-campus activity. In this connection, the school could have better protected itself form the potential liability in situations involving student activity and the consumption of alcohol by limiting the coverage of the school policy prohibiting alcohol consumption during school or student activities within the school premises only. It is therefore suggested, that a change in the school's written policy of regulating alcohol consumption by the students to be limited only on in-campus activities or in activities sponsored by the school. In cases of off-campus activities where an adviser is involved, it should be clarified before the activity as to what level of interaction should the adviser exercise. The type and level of